Book presentation The Meshalim in the Mekhiltot

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In 2014 the NWO-project Parables and the Parting of the Ways started, supervised by Eric Ottenheijm (Utrecht University), Marcel Poorthuis (Tilburg University) and Annette Merz (PThU). This comparative research collects, translates and compares early Rabbinic and Christian parables, and is guided by the question why the production of parables ceased in Christianity whereas this genre remained in use in Rabbinic Judaism after the 1st century.

Dr. Lieve Teugels with The Meshalim in the Mekhiltot (2019, Mohr Siebeck). Foto: Rob Nelisse, Imageworkplace, 2019.

Recently the critical text edition The Meshalim in the Mekhiltot. An Annotated Edition and Translation of the Parables in Mekhilta de Rabbi Yishmael and Mekhilta de Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, by dr. Lieve Teugels, has been published. This edition of rabbinic parables (meshalim) in the two Mekhiltot, the tannaitic Midrashim to the book of Exodus (3rd century CE), has a double scholarly purpose. It offers a critical synoptic presentation and study of the textual witnesses of the parables, and a commentary on their meaning and function in their literary and historical context. Moreover, a new English translation of every parable will make the edition a useful tool for interested readers with less knowledge of Hebrew, or those merely looking for a quick reference.

The book presentation of The Meshalim in the Mekhiltot will take place on Monday 24th of June 2019 from 17:30 until 18:00 during the international conference Power of Parables: Narrating Religion in Late Antiquity in Utrecht. Prof. dr. Annette Merz (PThU) will chair the book presentation. Tamar Kadari (Schechter Institute Jerusalem) and Matthijs den Dulk (Radboud University) will provide commentary and questions. With special thanks to Esther van Eennennaam for her (editorial) assistance. The book presentation is followed by a reception and kosher buffet.

What:               Book presentation The Meshalim in the Mekhiltot

When:             Monday June 24th 2019, 17:30-18:00

Where:            Utrecht Centre of the Arts (UCK), Domplein 4, 3512 JC Utrecht

Everyone is invited to join the book presentation. For those who are interested: register by sending an email to, under mentioning of book presentation.

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