Book Launch ‘Overcoming Dichotomies: Parables, Fables, and Similes in the Graeco-Roman World’

On the occasion of the recent publication of the edited volume Overcoming Dichotomies: Parables, Fables, and Similes in the Graeco-Roman World (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022), the editors – Albertina Oegema, Jonathan Pater, and Martijn Stoutjesdijk – warmly invite you to attend its book presentation, entitled “Overcoming Dichotomies: Continuing the Conversation,” on Friday September 23, 13:30–15:30 PM (CEST) at the Protestant Theological University in Amsterdam (hybrid).

The volume

The volume aims to contribute to the study of parables, fables, and similes across disciplinary boundaries. Despite the fact that these related genres of narrative analogy were part and parcel of the wider cultural context of Graeco-Roman antiquity, they have not yet been thoroughly studied in relation to each other. The contributions in our volume highlight the fluid boundaries between these different genres, but also demonstrate how their adoption and adaption in different literary works give expression to the distinct identities of the composers. For the table of contents and a reading sample, see


During the book launch, the editors will present the first copy of the book as well as continue the conversations by reflecting on the results and contributions of the volume to further research. Dr. Eric Ottenheijm (UU), Prof. Gerard Boter (VU), and Prof. Caroline Vander Stichele (TiU) will briefly react to the book from their respective fields of rabbinic studies, New Testament studies, and classical studies. The program is as follows:

  • 13:30       Entrance
  • 13:45      Introduction & book presentation by the editors
  • 13:55       Response by Dr. Eric Ottenheijm (UU), “Parables as Fables? Rethinking Genre”
  • 14:05       Response by Prof. Gerard Boter (VU), “Overcoming Definitions”
  • 14:15      Response by Prof. Caroline Vander Stichele (TiU), “Film, Gender, and the Reception of the Mustard Seed”
  • 14:25       Round of questions
  • 14:45       Reception with drinks & light hors d’oeuvres
  • 15:30       Final words

Practical Details

The book presentation will take place on Friday September 23, 13:30–15:30 PM (CEST) in werkgroepzaal 3 at the Protestant Theological University in Amsterdam (De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam). It will be a hybrid event, with possibilities for virtual attendance for those who cannot join us on location. Attendance is free.


In view of the catering and the distribution of the Zoom-link for virtual attendance, please register by September 22 at the latest by sending an e-mail to Dr. Albertina Oegema ( in which you confirm your attendance on location or virtually. Those attending the meeting on location are kindly requested to inform us about dietary wishes and restrictions, if any.

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